Reading Lists

Photo generated via “A pile of books spiraling up to the moon, digital art” by Dall-E. Thanks to David Oxley

I mentioned this in the “about me” section: I love reading books. Even though I’m a tech guy, I’m still “old school” from a book perspective meaning that I would ideally have all of my books in paper format. But that is not always feasible or practical in the different ways we can now consume information.

As an avid reader, I try to research lots of books before I choose which one to read (ideally to avoid bad ones or clickbait titles), so hopefully those lists contain mostly useful/good books (still subject to personal taste of course).

Threat Intelligence Reading List

This started as a way to keep track and share a list of (mainly) books related to Threat Intelligence (mostly “cyber” but definitely not only), on different topics ranging from methodology, tradecraft, history of classical Intelligence, Structured Analytic Techniques and Critical Thinking, Geopolitics/International Relations, etc., to more technical resources (books, papers and report) referring to “Cyber” TI.

Feel free to add feedback/review on books in the list you have read and, of course, please suggest new ones via comment on the spreadsheet or directly to me (on github or via Twitter @pstirparo). Please keep in mind that it is strictly related to the field of Threat Intelligence (which is more than just “cyber” :) ), not classical Security/DFIR.

Leadership & Management Reading List

Same concept as above After about 15 years in the industry, I have been through a lot of different managers, management styles and cultures, and happen to lead some teams myself. I use to say: I may not know the right way of doing things, but I’ve seen lots of ways of how not to do things, and I try to learn from those as well as from books and trainings.

As mentioned above, I also try to research lots of books before I chose which one to read (ideally to avoid bad ones or clickbait titles like “Promotions are so yesterday”, you can skip that one), so here a list of those I have liked and learned a lot from.