
Threat Actor Naming Taxonomies: the never ending debate

Few days ago Microsoft announced they are moving away from their previous naming convention for threat actors, which was based on chemical elements from the periodic table, to a new one aligned to the theme of weather. [1][2] As expected, this caused an avalanche of comments and takes on it (and this is yet another one :) ), but surprisingly I found a lot of superficial criticisms without an actual critical look at what this change means and the reasoning behind.

Hello World!

Here we go, this is the due title for any “first” thing :) I have recently decided to quit my $dayjob and take some time off to focus, other than myself, on some research ideas on malware analysis, threat intelligence and threat hunting that I have never had the time to properly do… but also to read and write. Writing is a great exercise for many reasons. First, by putting things down it helps clarify and solidify your own thoughts in your head.